Sep 08, 2006 19:47
God bad things come in threes; all three things were doozys. And my fault, to add insult to injury.
So first there was the breakup
Then this Tuesday with the whole class thing.
Then Wednesday I got stuck at Wal-Mart. Yup, there sans car, a LONG way from the hill. What happened was the website said that that Wal-Mart was a stop, even some of the Wal-Mart employees said the bus came there. Well guess what, IT DOESN'T. I think it was a conspiracy in Wal-Mart to make me want to shoot myself. If so, they succeeded. I was at the Wal-Mart for 3 hours. I couldn't even goof off and have fun, because I was waiting for the bus and then trying to get Chris to the Wal-Mart I was at. Some gas station guy sent Chris to a different Wal-mart across town. I was about to cry when he got there. I probably would have, but I bought little Debbie donut sticks as comfort food. I ate the whole box in like 24 hrs.
So today since I had all that comfort food, I went and had a comfort consequence workout. I am about to have a comfort consequence consequence shower. Hopefully this weekend will be rejuvenating.