Character Info

Aug 30, 2010 12:43

Name: Kyrie
Contact: Bearribbon [aim] // PM
Age: 23 by the time I finish this (I kid you not)
Current characters: N/A


Name: Leonhart, Squall
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII // Dissidia (also shows up in Kingdom Hearts series but as an alternate, older version)

History link: Despite being different games, Dissidia is deeply related to previous Final Fantasies so I shall mention both Final Fantasy 8 (Squall’s original game) and Dissidia, which is where I’ll be taking him from.

Final Fantasy VIII

Age: In FFVIII he’s 17 but taking into accounts that this is after the events of that game and I’m taking him from Dissidia (where they have been immersed in countless battles for some time now) I say he must be 18-19 now.

Canon point: After Cosmos is defeated and they’re all ‘erased’ from existence.


Squall is a terribly socially inept guy. At a young age, when his sister left the orphanage they grew up in without a chance to say goodbye he’d assumed he’d been abandoned. So he decided that getting close to people hurt too much and effectively built a wall of ice around himself. He’s not much of a talker and much less of a comforting type of person. In FF8 he slowly opens up as he travels with his friends and falls in love with Rinoa. In Dissidia he’s pretty much back to ground zero due to the unending cycle of battles and his memories of home being (assumingly) messed up. So he’s back to the silent, lone wolf type that comes off as rude to most people. Despite this, though, he claims he’s not fighting all alone, even if he’s by himself. In spite of coming off as rude and antisocial, Squall values those he deems friends or allies and he’s extremely loyal to them. He just does things his own way without giving explanations to others. He’s also fairly persistent, be it with his duty or with his training and skills. He often acts older than his age, having been trained in the military since a young age. He’s also very practical, facing challenges head-on. He also doesn’t hesitate in speaking his thoughts at times, even if they come out as rude.
That said, give him the right amount of time and space to grow and Squall eventually concedes to the bonds he’s formed with others. He’ll still be a person of few words but he’ll be definitely more approachable.
He’s also confident in his battling skills, not scared of facing opponents that might be stronger than him. He has an uncanny sense of justice and will do all he can to stop Ultimecia from trying to dominate the world. He doesn’t waste his time with most people who try to rile him up and his most common response is ‘whatever’.

Returning to the universe of Dissidia, one eventually learns of the endless cycle of battles and how the warriors lose their memories of the previous one. It is also highly implied in some instances that the characters either lose their memories of home, or these become rather confused. This isn’t a certain fact, but one can only assume it to be true as there are chosen moments in game where the characters are clearly confused (i.e. Cloud not knowing what he’s fighting for, Squall mentioning a promise he’d made to someone but the way it’s worded makes you wonder if he remembers that person). Furthermore, it’s rather odd that the characters don’t really mention their friends and family back home, taking into account Final Fantasy games are highly based on characters relationships. It’s safe to assume they slowly recover their memories as the game progresses (save for Warrior of Light, who claims not to remember anything, not even his name) until in the end they’re taken back to their original worlds. So, taking all that into account, I’ll play Squall with his memories of home somewhat faded and he’ll have to struggle a bit to remember places, people and events from his past, since he’s taken from the middle of the story.

Powers/Abilities: Squall is expert in combat, having been raised in a military environment. He specializes in Gunblades, a weapon said to be hard to master that is an odd mixture of a sword and a gun. He can also use magic to keep enemies at bay but he specializes mainly in close hand combat.

Prose sample:

This was getting too annoying - that was Squall’s general thought on being jerked around by some higher god and waking up in a strange place. Again. Although apparently this time he wasn’t required to fight a war that wasn’t his own but that had slowly become as important to him as returning home. (Home? But what was home?) Because without ending it there wouldn’t be a ‘home’, there wouldn’t be any dimension. But no, this time he wasn’t required to do any of that so-called honorable fighting for everyone’s worlds. This time he was apparently stuck in a place called Vegas (another name with no meaning at all) at the whims of a bored demigod that apparently thought of all the citizens as his play toys - nothing new there. What was rather new and disbelieving was the task apparently required to…what? Survive? This had to be a joke. A bad joke created by the depraved mind of some lunatic with no life and a secret stash of trashy magazines. On contrary to what some people thought, the world didn’t revolve around such a menial thing as sex. Only now his world it apparently did. And not only had he been dragged to a new dimension where he assumingly had to had sex with other guys to survive, as someone had gone off with his most important possession - his griever necklace. In short: Squall was not amused. At all. That Loki character had some explaining to do and he’d regret the fact he hadn’t taken his gunblade as well.

Of course he wouldn’t do well on acting before knowing his enemy’s weakness. A god he might be but it had been proved by Cosmos’ demise that a god could be defeated. Cosmos…he supposed he should at least be grateful to Loki that he’d pulled him out of that darkness. But no reason was enough to force him to do such things just because the god was bored. It seemed the rest of this world had been destroyed - perhaps by a war like the one he’d found himself in - and thus Loki had summoned all these people from different worlds. But for what purpose? He couldn’t just accept that he’d brought them here only because he had a thing for voyeurism. Certainly, there had to be another stronger meaning beyond that? Or maybe not, because those with power normally just used it to tyrannize others. Apparently Loki’s eccentric ways were just different from every other megalomaniac characters’ he’s ever met. Just his luck.

Well, whatever his motives, Squall wasn’t just going to follow his will blindly. Give him a world to fight for, people to save and he will. But having him stuck in a half destroyed place where his only role to survive is to have sex with strangers…with male strangers…no, he wasn’t a happy camper. (Sure, it wasn’t as much the whole gay sex thing as it was the fact he was being forced to do it. He’d explore his own sexuality his own way, he didn’t need meddlesome gods interfering with even that.) He figured he’d start with asking (of course his version of asking didn’t include much talking as it did lurking) around how long people had been stuck here for and if there was any clues to leave for their previous worlds - because he still needed to stop Chaos, he couldn’t just leave things like that with Cosmos and everyone else. No, he had no need for more duties in his personal agenda.

Links: Dear_Mun

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