lalalla my saturday night

Dec 27, 2003 23:30

Humm... today me and ann went to Jc Pennys. My aunt gave me the wrong reciept *growls* I got blue tinkerbell pants. tee hee.

Me and erin went to Subway but oompa couldnt come becuase she was out with Jordan. Oh man! Hitting on all the subway guys. Marty and... Paul? Pauls 20 and he lives with his mom. haha.

We went out to Hobans and we got lost. haha. Then we called him and found it. I tried to hit a mailbox but then I got scared. XD rode on the grass a few times though. We went around his circle driveway a few times, laid around in the basement, watched sound of music, haha, drove around alsip looking for reindeer but SOMEONE STOLE OUR TURF! Ill beat them I swear! DONT YOU FUCKING KNOCK DOWN OUR REINDERRES! haha...

Dropped hoban off, hung out at erins for a bit, and now im here! talking to oompa on the phone! woot woot!
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