This Day In Tweets...

Apr 30, 2010 12:05

  • 01:24 Our old cleaners only worked 1-2 hours, but they did 10x a better job than the new crew. Yet I'm sure the boss will never fire the new guys. #
  • 02:31 I wish Kool Aid had an apple flavor so I could come back and say "Why yes, I do drink Apple Kool-Aid." #
  • 06:24 It was April, now it's May 12th. The question is, how many release dates does Valve typically give for a project? #
  • 06:27 I WANT to get excited for Steam on the Mac in May, I just don't know if I SHOULD. Maybe it means just Steam, not Valve's games... #
  • 10:49 Yay! MY iPad is finally here. Glad I waited for 3g & that the temptation to get wifi only was muted by @landale lending me hers so often. #
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