
Oct 05, 2010 00:09

Though he’s somewhat on the short side, he’s very fit, as someone who travels and performs strenuous physical activity on a regular basis (fighting heartless and other enemies, fighting in tournaments, sparring with others). Sora relies more on his speed than strength. So while he does have muscle, he is more toned and lean than muscled or built. He has unruly, spikey brown hair than can only be tamed by copious amounts of hair gel (so he doesn’t bother). He has blue eyes and slightly tanned skin having lived on a tropical island for most of his childhood years. He leads a lifestyle in which he is constantly on the move. If he ends up cooped up in one place too long, it becomes nigh impossible to keep him still for more than a few minutes, especially if his attention is not kept. Other times when he feels the need for a break, he can be very laid back and lazy, slouching or lying around (particularly on a sunny day) when time permits. Catch him in a very relaxed mood, and he’ll be leaning on one leg, with his arms up behind his head. Overall, Sora is very welcoming and friendly. He appears very trustworthy and as a result, many people feel very comfortable with confiding in him or putting their belief in him (though that also carries the disadvantage of looking naïve in the same token). Sora is incredibly expressive, almost to the point of a cartoon character (which makes sense considering the company he keeps) and at times, his gestures can be wide, sweeping and exaggerated. During battle, his movements become tighter and more calculated. Most of the time, Sora can be seen wearing his token battle gear. More specifically, this includes a blue sleeveless v-neck shirt underneath a hooded black jacket. He also wears double layered black pants that stop below the knees and red pouches to carry any gear. He wears black gloves to help grip his weapon as well as protect his hands from the elements, and black and yellow shoes because… well… that’s his style. His signature outfit comes with zippers and belts that seemingly have no purpose other than he just seems to like them.

Writing Samples

[Third Person Sample]

The atmosphere’s a little different today in Sector three, more crowded and with a little bit more hustle and bustle than normal. The street’s alive with twice as many pedestrians as before, from couples to teenagers to parents and their kids. Waiters and employees line the sidewalks just outside the restaurant, holding trays of free samples and coupons to boot. It only takes listening in on a few conversations to hear about “The Sidewalk Sampling Food Fair.” They’ve got nothing like this on the islands. The closest thing he’s probably seen to any of this is what happens at the Bazaar, except there’s a lot more shouting and heckling and misleading offers. Still, it’s free food and Sora’s not about to turn that down.

It’s after his fourth coupon is handed to him and subsequently stuffed into his pocket (might as well, right?) when the soft sound of crying filters in from an alleyway. Sora’s never been shy about exploring- -it’s always been how he’d get acclimated to each new world-- So he wanders in with little reserve in time to see a young woman pacing just outside the back door to the restaurant.

He approaches slowly, leaning slightly to the side to get a better look at her face. “Hey… everything okay, Ma’am?”

She looks up, curious. And then she just gives him a half-smile, hardly one at that. Somebody in trouble maybe?

“Yeah. I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

Sorry lady, he doesn’t buy it. “Doesn’t look like nothing to me?”

“It’s just…” She looks up at him, face open and waiting and just sighs. It’s not like things can get any worse. “I was supposed to make these deliveries yesterday, but I guess I just forgot. My best friend’s gone missing again. It’s nothing new in Siren’s Port- But I’ve been trying to look for them between work and overtime because rent’s due pretty soon that I just… My manager’s going to be so mad. I really really need this job.“

He listens to her story, arms crossed as he nods thoughtfully. He considers this for a moment, but he gives her an affirmative nod. Because the answer is pretty simple! “Why not just deliver them right now? You wouldn’t get in trouble with your manager then, right?”

“They were supposed to be delivered yesterday so I’d have time to take them to different sectors. I’ve only got two hours. And I don’t get off work until sundown. There’s no time.”

“That’s plenty of time.” His answer is quick and upbeat, something that explains her disbelieving expression. She lifts her head just in time to give him a quizzical look as he finishes, “Leave it to me.”

“I couldn’t possibly…”

“Sure you can. Not like I’ve go anywhere else to be. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to try, right? Let me help.”

A hesitant pause. Running over her options. The gears turning in her head. “You’d do that?

A reassuring fist pump. “Yeah! It’s no problem. You take care of the restaurant and stall your boss if he starts asking about it. And I’ll take care of the deliveries. Between the two of us, this’ll get this done in no time.”

She stares at him for a moment, swallows as the offer truly sinks in.
And then she laughs, palming at her tears and giving him the first smile he’s seen from her today (but hopefully not the last).

“Thanks.” She’s on her feet, motioning for him to follow. “They’re back this way.”

[First Person Sample]

[The NV frames black, and blue cloth and a flash of a silver Necklace. Obviously, we’re dealing with an expert here.]

This thing’s supposed to let me talk to people, huh?

[The NV eventually swivels up to reveal a young man with unruly spikes of brown hair, youthful features and a quizzical expression. The apartments tower over him in the background.]

This thing even on? [He gives it a shake, leans in and spies that red light and realizes that it’s going.]

Oh. Right! So those guys in suits and the two girls I talked to said something about people being stuck here Siren’s Port. But with all these people here looking to get out, somebody must’ve found a way, right? I mean, how long's everybody been stuck here, anyway?

[Because the prospect of being trapped within the city limits for more than a week is troubling. He can’t afford to dawdle and waste time, not when there are people waiting for him. People who really need his help.]

[He contemplates for a moment, wondering if he's not the only one among his friends that's been pulled here.]

And also? If anybody’s seen a really tall guy named Riku, a girl with red hair named Kairi, or even a duck or a dog named Donald and Goofy-any of those guys. Let me know?

*game: siren's pull, *ooc: app

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