Just griping for a bit

Aug 30, 2006 16:08

I know, I've barely used this thing in ages. I suck. Neways, I have a topic that came up from a co-worker today that I desire to gripe about. This co-worker is an immigrant from China - before you read further, this is not about her being an immigrant - and she got into a discussion about how the Chinese regulate who can have babies in her native land.

Now, apparently, the government regulates who can and who cannot have babies based on family history as in diseases and whatnot. She was asking why Americans don't care and why we don't consider that we're passing on our family health problems to our babies. Now, I know she comes from a different cultures, but I have serious problems about the super-human concept of choosing who can and who cannot have babies based on genetics. So what if a woman has a heart-problem and might possibly pass it on to her child. That woman still should have the right to try, there's always the chance that the genetic health problem will not be passed on directly. She also mentioned if the mother's hips were too narrow, she was not given the ok to have a baby. That's even more oppressive in my opinion.

When I tried to explain to her that the super-human train of thought was not right, she went off on saying how America kept on claiming that China has no human rights. Well, perhaps that's what she thinks human rights are, but I find the concepts that she's described as preposterously wrong.

In fact, she's often criticized America over and over again. She's criticized the education system and how we have too long of breaks while Chinese children go to school nearly all year long. She's criticized our hiring habits and stated that China would not allow people in if they saw something wrong with the past work record. Over and over again, she's basically said that China is better. This really makes me wonder what prompted her to come to America at all, aside from the fact that my boss is her husband. Now, of course I never ask her such, but the way she glorifies China makes me wonder.

Oh wells, she's a welcome addition at my job, but I really wanted to gripe about that "you have diabetes in your family history, you can't have kids" train of thought.


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