No Longer Special

Aug 18, 2008 01:07

Title: No Longer Special

Rating: PG, maybe
Disclaimer: I don’t own Heroes, or anyone involved in it. If you think I do, you’re wrong. If you think I think I do, you’re wrong - and I’m writing it twice just to be sure you know.

Characters/Pairings: Gabriel “Sylar” Gray
Table/Prompt: Table 10, Prompt 5 - Deaf (
Word Count: 374

Summary: At an unknown time and place between Season 1 and Season 2, the Narrator discusses a man’s current situation.
Author’s Note: Unbetaed, I just wrote it on paper, am transferring it to a word processor (so I don’t lose it if I have problems posting and so I can spell-check and word count) then to the livejournal.

A few days ago, he was special. All the time and effort he put into becoming so, and it had all gone to waste.  The man almost destroyed a city - rather, almost was stopped from doing so by Sylar. He, Peter, was the true villain. But no, Sylar took the blame… the sword… the punishment. All that Peter deserved.

And now? Now, the watchmaker’s son sat, arm reaching out. Out towards the one thing he was allowed - his shirt, crumpled in a ball on the floor. It had been so long since Gabriel had done anything truly normal. Still, the fact he couldn’t lift the shirt from across the room bothered him quite a bit. It wasn’t his greatest lost, he had admitted to himself early on. No, Brian Davis’ telekinesis was only his third choice for powers to regain.

The second? It’s a bit tougher, but it would probably end up being Gabriel Gray’s ability. How much better, he had often imagined, would it be if Sylar knew just how to regain his strength. How to escape. He’s sure he could avoid the time traveler if he had that ability again. But now, even Gabriel’s mind felt sluggish, slowly wading through each thought, as though it had nearly been stopped during Sylar’s escape.

Even so, that wasn’t really the power he missed the most, although he thought those two would be. A decent number of powers required only control of a completely new ability. Difficult to learn, but if you lose the ability, it doesn’t do anything to you. But no, Sylar had to go and get that ability. Dale Smither’s. It seemed like a simple one, to those with abilities and those without. To use it properly, you were required to train yourself into ignoring the normal range of hearing. So now, without Sylar’s hearing, people could talk right outside his door and Gabriel wouldn’t have a clue. Even more disconcerting, however, Gabriel could be surprised. Since learning of his abilities, it happened once, and Sylar had vowed not to be surprised again.
 Gabriel finished his food, unaware of which meal it would be outside. Tired as he was, Gabriel couldn’t help but watch as the cockroach crawled out under his door, a smirk slowly forming on his face.

gabriel gray, fanfiction, heroes, sylar

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