2007 has been one hell of a year.
I know my "New Years Resolution" for the last few years has been pretty much the same, "Do more than I did the year before", but I have to say, this is probably the first year where I'll be pressed to beat it. I mean, on the First of March I moved out. It's been 10 months come tonight. When I sit and think about it, half the time I still have trouble grasping the concept of being "free". Granted, "free" is about $350, monthly, not including food, but still, "free" as it able to do as I like. XD
It's weird. 2007 has obviously brought some good, but it's also brought bad, at least in the way of some of the things I've had to do. The major example was relatively recent in the grand scheme of things, Thanksgiving. It was then that the "House" decided that we were tired of having people over on what was feeling like a daily basis and that there were people among our friends who had taken advantage of what was then our "open door policy." And since it was such a problem, we pretty much put our proverbial foot down and said "No more!"
The basic rule that we set down was that nobody was allowed to be over more than once a week, (A comes over Monday, cannot come back until Sunday, B comes over Thursday, cannot come back until Wednesday, etc. etc.)
It was quickly changed to "One day/week in the main rooms, as often as you'd like in your personal space."
Unfortunately, some people took offense to that, and, in turn, offense to me as I was the one informing everyone. Some who this didn't really affect at all, and others who were obviously part of the problem took offense as well.
Insert major drama over people living in a house wanting the house to feel like theirs instead of a sorority/fraternity.
Nobody's really come over since Thanksgiving. It was definitely weird, not having anyone over, ever. Occasionally we'd have a girlfriend, but not since Thanksgiving have we really had people over (until tonight, assuming people show up. XD)
*sigh* I d'no. Out of everything from this specific incident, there's only one or two people that were "affected" that I wish hadn't been so insulted, as it clearly didn't affect them. Either way, there's not much I can do, as I stand by the decision because we really needed it.
As disgusting as it is, not much else really happened this year. In a nutshell:
-March: Moved to Walled Lake
-June: Moved to Canton
-November: Stood up for myself and my roommates sanity
Those three things are the only things that stand out in my mind. Yeah, there was a short stint with a guy, he was taken, but talked to me none-the-less. Didn't tell me this till a few days after we made out, so that was pretty much that. Nothing big enough to warrant a major recall.
So, three things. Granted, it's a major thing, but it was a rather uneventful year, ignoring the fact that I moved out.
Made some friends, (Twitter - B, CJ and Jersey), lost some friends (Or, more appropriately, /may/ have lost some friends, not sure as I never see them..)
.. It's obvious I succeeded, but it seems like every time I rehash the year, it never seems like I did enough.
Regardless of how hard this year will be to top, my Resolution for 2008 is, again, do more than I did the year before.
Have a great year, Livejournal!