May 14, 2006 11:19
my parents say they're joining the class-action suit that's going on in response to verizon, at&t, and bellsouth turning all their cell phone records over to the government. we've been verizon users for years.
my fingers keep wanting to type verizion instead of verizon.
guilford's bannerweb still says i have the honors scholarship. i guess they haven't updated it. maybe the financial aid office will be nice to me like they were the first time i lost the scholarship and give me an aid package that makes up the difference. otherwise i'll take out a loan, probably through sallie mae. (they're who my parents have used for loans, but my parents don't have the credit now to take out another loan; i hate how no one will hire my dad just because he's 63, maybe he's near retirement age but he's not planning to retire!) i think i'll find out in june. that's when they usually do billing.
hell, at least my gpa is still good enough to get me the reduction on what i have to pay back on my GOAL loan at graduation.
i've been reading a book called feed by m.t. anderson. i picked it up at the library when i decided to browse the young adult shelves and thought it was going to be laurie halse anderson who wrote speak. this book sounded very interesting, though, and whoever wrote the text inside the jacket compared the author to bradbury and vonnegut. in it, 73% of americans have a "feed", a chip in their heads that transmits specialized marketing to them from corporations and lets them know the trends. the main characters are a group of teenagers, one of whom has decided to fight the feed. i've read a little more than half the book. it's about to get really interesting, i think. i'll probably finish it in one swoop this evening.
i think this weekend i'll finally unpack and clean my room. we found a flea on judylee's head last night, so we need to vaccuum. eek. at least there aren't 50 fleas on her head like last summer! we couldn't get the last of those fleas off her head until this spring. it was terrible.