(no subject)

Dec 05, 2004 20:03

SqwirrelEmpire [8:01 PM]: mr shmee ate today
SqwirrelEmpire [8:01 PM]: there's guppy corpses everywhere
Horse17guy [8:02 PM]: yikes
SqwirrelEmpire [8:02 PM]: yeah
SqwirrelEmpire [8:02 PM]: and the strangest looking turd i've ever seen
Horse17guy [8:02 PM]: omfg
Horse17guy [8:02 PM]: thats awesome
SqwirrelEmpire [8:03 PM]: it looks like pocket lint in a spider web
SqwirrelEmpire [8:03 PM]: it has like these filaments coming off and it floats
SqwirrelEmpire [8:03 PM]: very strange
Horse17guy [8:03 PM]: ur a bit odd
SqwirrelEmpire [8:04 PM]: thaat's more entertaining than shitting a brick

so yes not much too new in life, got me a horse though, and life outside of highschool sucks big monkey balls but we wont talk about that, i still ride that obnoxxious woman's horse but tis ok, becuase we had a discussion and yeah there were many words exchanged but yes, i showed him a lil bit and plan to show it on saturday at east coast equestrian training centre in case any one wants to be there, not that you would or anything because no one really gives a flying shit but yes me and this horse jumpe 3'6" today and we didnt die int he process so what now bitches?? but yes anyway i need a shower because yeah, its been a few days and i reek let me tell you, you can probably smell me from there, but yes, if any of you that are still at kellam should read this you need to jump all over ms allissa scussle, i know i just spelled that five kinds of wrong but its all gravy, sleep depravation will do that to you, make that girl go to class, and tell her its because i told you too would ya please. byeeee
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