got to love what alochol does to people

Jul 10, 2004 22:45

so last night when i was walkin back to the orpheum while the last band was playin....

i notice this guy kneelin down in a parkin lot throwin up everywhere so i walked over there to see if he was ok. so i walked up asked him if he was alright and if he needed any help or a bottle of water or anything. and he said he was ok and was tryin to stand up so i stayed there for a sec to make sure he was goin to get up alright and right as he started standin up i heard across the parkin lot "HEY DONT FUCK WITH MY DOG"

and then about 10 other guys came runnin up to me and one of them backed me into a car and started yellin in my face punchin his fist in his hand. yellin shit like "dont fuck with my dawg im goin to fuckin kick your ass" and i was like "dude i was tryin to help him" and he put me up against the car even more so i just started walkin away and his friends were over there helpin their friend that was throwin up.

so when i started walkin away the kid started followin me down the street like 2 inches from my back yellin out im goin to fuck you up, im goin to kill you dont fuck with my dawg, yellin loud as hell. so i kept walkin and he kept followin me and i got to a curb and a car was comin so he got up even closer behind me gettin ready to swing and i turned around and was like dude i was tyrin to help your friend and he was like, i dont give a fuck what you were doin keep walkin before i beat the shit out of you...

so i tried to walk away again but couldnt really go anywhere and his friends came runnin up and pulled him away from punchin me and was like dude what are you doin he was tryin to help him and pulled him away and they apologized for him and thanked me later on for tryin to help their friend. and then i went back to the orphuem.

gotta love what alchohol does to people....
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