Oct 29, 2008 21:46
it's funny how everyone seems to have lost livejournal to writing in blogs on myspace or facebook.
good ol' livejournal has been keeping it real for me since high school.
i remember sitting in my computer room late at night on school night's in high school writing about my day.
and now i'm sitting here in regents park apartments in chicago talking about life three plus years after high school.
it's good to have the ol' standby,
i neglect this thing so much. maybe i should start writing in it again. i'll start talking about my days. i won't talk about everything that's happened since high school because that's far too much.
let's see. what did i do today.
today i woke up at 10am. i got out of bed, greeted my roommate in the living room, and sat down and ate a little bowl of crispix with my lactose free skim milk. i think that lactose irritates my stomach. so i've been getting the lactose free stuff and it really helps. anyways.
i ate my crispix, got in the last bit of oprah and watched a little bit of the view. the view can really annoy me after like five minutes, so i turned that shit off and got ready for school.
me and mary (my wonderful roommate) rushed to the bus stop and caught the bus to madison st, and ran like hell to the other bus to get to class on time. the bus is such an interesting little place. since i've moved here, i've thought about how many social experiments people could actually do on the bus.
everyone just sits quietly and looks forward and says nothing with the most blank expressions on their faces. i always look around and wonder what they're thinking about. the other day i looked over at this cute old lady sitting next to me and she was reading a book that was completely in french. some french novel. she was fascinating to me. sometimes i recognize people that get on the same bus the same time everyday. but no one sits there with a smile on their face. i know most of the people seem like they're friendly, but the bus is supposed to be this relaxed in-between spot for most people. when i first moved here i thought that the bus was going to be roudy and loud, but it is quite the opposite. i think one of my most favorite things to do is give up my seat for an old lady or someone who needs it nowadays. you'd never realize how much people appreciate it until you do it. loooove it. it can start my day off right. i want to just capture a moment on the bus through a photo or something and just paint it on a canvas. it would be so interesting and challenging to get the blank facial expressions completely accurate of people. because you know that everyone is thinking about something, you just can't exactly tell what it is.
after getting to school, i took a pretty easy test and then went to caribou for a coffee. coffee can taste so wonderful on freezing cold days in chicago. i then went to drawing class and drew for 5 hours straight. i love doing that. my teacher is amazing. sometimes he'll even play beethoven in the background to help us work. it's pretty magical.
after drawing i came home and ate some soup and goldfish and ploped down on the couch and watched a little bit of television.
my life is pretty simplistic lately, and i like it that way. i just feel right i guess.
the day after tommorrow i'm visiting my sister at michigan state and running around in gangster attire drinking and laughing. it will be the first time i've been more than ten miles from my apartment since august. yikes. i need to get away. two more weeks until my birthday!!!! i'll be 21!!! In chicagoooo!!! whoever wants to come and hang out and crash at my place let me knowwww!!!!
i love how thanksgiving is around the corner. i'm ready to come home for a few days.
ah life is sweet.