Dec 13, 2010 19:33
So on my way into work today I passed a car that had jumped the curb (probably cause people in KY have no idea how to handle the 2-3 inches of snow that had fallen) and twisted the front passenger side wheel at a significant angle. Needless to say I found this both hilarious and annoying due to the slight delay it caused me. Unfortunately for the doom-van karma got me back at lunch with a complete flat on the front passenger side, which compounded by me being dumb and lazy ate up a fair chunk of lunch and was put off till after work. Here dumb struck again with me forgetting to set the emergency break before swapping to the doughnut, thus bending my jack just enough to make it frustrating to use when the car rolled back once partially jacked up.
TL;DR: Annoying car issues, I'm dumb and made worse.