Mainly just for me but feel free to read.

May 06, 2008 22:01

Well, I'm going outside of my comfort zone tomorrow. I'm going to a meeting with a bunch of people I don't know. The topic is palmistry. I think it will be pretty interesting. Hopefully I will meet some new and great people.

I really really wish I could go more than a day in a row with out getting an email or phone call about some issue with the condo association. I'm so tired of all the crap.

Our electronic document storage system is not work and information that should be easy to access in not available. I wish I didn't care about my job, and could just be an unnoticed fly on the wall but that is not the case and will never be the case. I've just got to get used to being the person that people go to I got the management degree I've got to learn the real life management skills.

Hopefully I will not chicken out and actually go tomorrow. I'm not really one for social situations especially when I don't know anyone in advance.

Urgh... I just realized I didn't drop my prescription off and don't have any meds for tomorrow morning.

This movie I'm watching has these creepy electronic babies that do everything a real baby can do. License to Wed. Its a good romantic comedy. Before that I watched Georgia Rule. It was really good, it dealt with carnal knowledge and some other tough subjects. It had a really deep plot, I need to see if there is a book. Sigh there is not one called georgia rule hmm I wonder if they maybe just called the movie something else. hmm not that i can find :( oh well.

If only there was a way to just get the movie channels and not pay for the rest of the cable junk... I don't think so but I'll have to look into it one day. All i ever really watch is the movies.

I wonder what channel i have it on a "soft porn" movie just came on.
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