Jan 05, 2008 13:59
sooo....I'm BACK! in the good ol' u s of a. Seriously, as I was walking towards customs I could hear music that was clearly played at George Washington's inauguration as other voice overs were saying "I'm American! What is an American? We're American!" Just in case you were confused as to which country you were in :). Anyway, I realized that I had planned out my flight badly, in that I decided it would be a good idea to fly into Prague, not realizing I couldn't change the fact that I had to fly OUT of Prague as well. So I spent a day on a train, spent the night in the Prague airport, next to a snoring drunk homeless guy and finally ended up on a plane leading me home. This is of course, by myself with two HUGE suitcases up and down stairs because sometimes that was the only thing available.
Oh and did I mention my body decided to finally take its revenge on me for putting it through lots of travel during christmas and new years and gave me a cold the day before I had to leave? So add having a cold and not being able to eat ANYTHING to the above list.
Anyway, I'm back, but didn't get the taco I so craved because there was no point. And I was just too exhausted to function and decided to let mommy take full care of me. I'm doing a bit better (it's amazing what a real bed will do for you) after some good indian cold rememedies (ridiculously spicy food for one thing), showers and a bed. Hopefully this week I'll be completely over the cold.