Lobster's Notes, 26 September 2009

Sep 26, 2009 23:09

NOTE: This material only exists, ICly, in The Lobster's mind. They are reproduced here for my reference and others' OOC entertainment.

Person: quantumcatboy
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* Asks the police what the visiting hours at the prison are.
* Gets no answer.

Person: evenharder
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* New arrival, from the Avengers' universe. (Knows and asks after aerial_bliss.)

Person: lassiface
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* Still getting used to life in the City.
* Doesn't like having to walk a beat again.
* Is an enthusiast for the Civil War, with a room full of collectibles in his world.

Person: grenadeball
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* Continuing work on her zeppelin nightclub, now named "Turing."
* Has acquired headquarters space for the Young Avengers, in exchange for cantyouhearmy turning the inside of her tank bigger than the outside.

[c&c][p] hardball, [c&c][p] wiccan, [c&c][p] schrodinger, [c&c][p] tank girl, [c&c][p] abigail boylen, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] carlton lassiter

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