Lobster's Notes, 26 August 2009

Aug 26, 2009 23:48

NOTE: This material only exists, ICly, in The Lobster's mind. They are reproduced here for my reference and others' OOC entertainment.

Person: conartistcon
[ ref]

* Made a bold play by publicly announcing himself as a dealer in heavy-duty extraterrestrial weaponry.
* Even bolder, he's revealed himself as not just a Transformer, but a Decepticon to boot.
* ...That said, I'm not sure why he thinks "Swindle" is a name to float around openly if he wants people to trust him enough to do business.

Person: theprimerprime

* Is, in fact, the head warden of the jail.
* Had some unspecified deal with Swindle for the systems in the jail, that he feels Swindle's public declaration violates. Suspect Autobot/Decepticon politics are involved.
* Retroactively locked the conversation shortly after starting it.

Person: loves_war

* Naturally, is interested in the weaponry Swindle has on offer.

Person: isbetterthanone
[ ref]

* New arrival.
* Promptly issued a list of demands, including the return of various things he had in his own universe that probably don't exist here, and "three hundred communicators."
* From a planet called "Okaara," in the Vega system. Alien, his appearance changed by the Porter, thus the demand for his body back.
* Contemplates becoming a "hero," but only so that he can take things from both the criminals and the victims.
* Thinks that simply having them is justification enough for receiving 300 comms.
* Also wants a pony, now that he knows what one is.
* Claims to have his own Corps, in his universe. Something like the Green Lantern Corps (see below), only orange?
* Very fixated on the owning of things. Greedy.

Person: dcushitkicker

* "Current Green Lantern of Earth." Some sort of Corps that assigns and replaces members on different planets as needed.
* Green Lanterns supposedly take orders from "little blue guys" called Guardians from the planet Oa.

[c&c][p] larfleeze, [c&c][p] guy gardner, [c&c][p] swindle, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] sentinel prime, [c&c][p] the major

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