NOTE: This material only exists, ICly, in The Lobster's mind. They are reproduced here for my reference and others' OOC entertainment.
* New arrival.
* Owned a business called "Nightstone Unlimited." The place where her office was, in her world, has been destroyed by Godzilla.
* Apparently also some sort of international criminal -- see below.
* Strangely enough, it sounds like "Dominique Destine" is the alias, and "Demona" the real name. Bears further investigation later.
manchooses * Businessman.
* His company -- Ryan Industries -- primarily specializes in construction and maintenance.
* Has, therefore, had a lot of work and made a lot of money as a result of Godzilla and similar disasters.
* Seems to put a lot of stock into personal ingenuity and will to succeed, without regard for the objections of others. It sounds admirable on the surface, but the disdain he has for the City's so-called "heroes," however potentially justified in individual cases, may point to trouble eventually.
nyc_detective * Called Destine "Demona."
* Definitely an unpleasant past association from a common world.
* Has stopped Demona/Destine from accomplishing unspecified but presumably criminal activities in both New York and Paris, possibly other places as well.
swornprotector * Also called Destine "Demona."
* Did not sound happy when doing so.
Event: Mass sex changes
* Whatever caused them, they seem to have stopped/reversed themselves.
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* I'd thought he was probably dirty, but didn't expect him to be a heart-stealing killer.
* A teleporting heart-stealing killer, no less.
* Transforms from a short clown-faced man into a tall, spindly, inhuman form.
* Bleeds glowing green blood when shot.
* "Killed" me while I was undercover, but escaped using his teleportation before I could do more than wound him.
* Fortunately, I had my communicator hidden but recording video, providing proof when I exposed him to the Network.
* Takes the hearts to eat.
* Might not really have been a problem, if he'd managed to keep his focus on criminals instead of killing the occasional innocent.
* Does not appear to have any sort of regenerative capabilities, as he spoke of needing to patch himself back up, rather than just healing.
* Receives a great deal of mockery for his name.
enigmaestro * Confirms that
killerjoke won't appreciate having a second killer clown in The City.
* Seemed to think this was a particularly difficult thing to figure out, for some reason.
* Expects The Joker to retaliate with violence, but not necessarily directly at The Clown. Unfortunate.