Mar 16, 2006 11:52
Hola & Happiest of Thursdays to All!!
It has come to my attention that my journal is nowhere near as pretty as some (oh, ok - as MOST!). But damn - I don't have time for the important things anymore, I refuse to allow myself to get drawn into fixing up stuff here. So, sorry for the sterile & industrial feel of the pages.
My son wrecked his pickup night before last. A frigging deer ran in front of him and he swerved to avoid it, hitting a rock covered bank instead. Still waiting on the estimate to see if we should file a claim or just pay for the thing ourselves .... grrrr .....
In a perfect world, there shouldn't be any question!!! We pay the blood-sucking Insurance Company thousands of dollars to 'insure' us against times like this, and yet it's always the same old crap out of them : "Ooooohhhh, you turned in a claim - we had to actually pay a claim - we were forced to do what we promise to all these years we've been taking in your premiums - oooooohhhhhh!! We're gonna haver to charge you out the yin-yang for 5 years now to makeup for it!"
Freaking Ba$tards .......