Nov 18, 2005 21:16
QTPI 186: hey my lovely lisa............ya going to HP tonight?
Spongebobb106: no i don't think so
Spongebobb106: :-[
Spongebobb106: :'(
QTPI 186: eh theres always 5 other weeks to see worries
Spongebobb106: yea i no
Spongebobb106: but the thing is i wanted us to go out b4 thanksgiving came that way we could spend sometime together arther than at school
QTPI 186: true
QTPI 186: well maybe you can see it during thanksgiving weekend
Spongebobb106: guys r so frusteating i don't no if he's going away but i think he is
Spongebobb106: frustrating
QTPI 186: ask him:(
Spongebobb106: yea i know r u talking to _____ QTPI 186: no hes not on
QTPI 186: hes hardly on the computer
Spongebobb106: aawww poor babe
QTPI 186: eh im used to it lol
Spongebobb106: :-[
QTPI 186: im playing a game.........and your listening to the radio:) so were both keeping ourselves company
Spongebobb106: how'd u no i was listening to the radio
QTPI 186: ummm
QTPI 186: dunno
Spongebobb106: :-P
Spongebobb106: sure j/k lol
QTPI 186: ok sometimes i feel like i have some mental powers or something and its really starting to freak me out
QTPI 186: fine dont answer
Spongebobb106: im sry i didn't see ur im
QTPI 186: i said
QTPI 186: sometimes i feel like i have some mental powers or something and its really starting to freak me out
Spongebobb106: wat mental powers
QTPI 186: like knowing you were on the radio
Spongebobb106: did u really no
QTPI 186: yea its some sort of rap hip hop station
Spongebobb106: no not really
QTPI 186: well its like XM so i thought it might be some hot music or something
QTPI 186: those r the 2 letters that came into my head
Spongebobb106: ok thats werid
QTPI 186: lol x rated music XM
Spongebobb106: omg
QTPI 186: ummm im the one freaked out here
Spongebobb106: yea
Spongebobb106: yea i no
QTPI 186: and now i keep hearing the number 20
Spongebobb106: why??/
QTPI 186: i dont know!
Spongebobb106: ok
Spongebobb106: thats strange
QTPI 186: did you change your station?
Spongebobb106: ye a
Spongebobb106: im trying
QTPI 186: lol no fkn way
Spongebobb106: yea why
QTPI 186: cause i hear something different now
Spongebobb106: its not playing tho
QTPI 186: it sounds like a whole bunch of people chanting "tribute'"
Spongebobb106: im trying to get the beatles tribute thing OMG wat the crap else r u hearing q
QTPI 186: thats it the beatles!
Spongebobb106: yea
QTPI 186: i knew it sounded like oldies
Spongebobb106: can u hear wats playing
QTPI 186: it was like a whole bunch of hippie voices
Spongebobb106: can u hear wats playing
QTPI 186: wait let me make it out
Spongebobb106: ok
QTPI 186: nope nothing.........just staticy
Spongebobb106: ok
Spongebobb106: is in in your heatd or on the comp
QTPI 186: well not my computer cause im not listening to the radio
QTPI 186: so i have no fkn clue
Spongebobb106: ru playing L cause i really wanna laugh rite now
QTPI 186: playing what song?
Spongebobb106: i abbreviated your name to l
Spongebobb106: L
QTPI 186: ohhhhh
Spongebobb106: loser
QTPI 186: Lauren/Loser either one will work
QTPI 186: their both L's
Spongebobb106: ok
QTPI 186: ok to tell you im not kidding switch the channel seems i can get it when you switch channels
QTPI 186: ok ummmm..........
Spongebobb106: ok
QTPI 186: i see its either the british or the french attacking something
QTPI 186: or their at war
QTPI 186: ivading something
Spongebobb106: british invasion
QTPI 186: wtf is that>
QTPI 186: ?
Spongebobb106: i dunno
Spongebobb106: this werid man....=-O
QTPI 186: now its some hispanic music lol
Spongebobb106: ok wat kind
Spongebobb106: your soo freaking me out rite now
QTPI 186: ummm salsa i white so its either salsa or meringue
Spongebobb106: thaats sooo ccooooolllll
Spongebobb106: ssalsa babe 1
QTPI 186: but i cant hear the actual song
QTPI 186: its either a statiicy sound or a picture
Spongebobb106: thats f reakea
Spongebobb106: brb
QTPI 186: k
Spongebobb106: bak
Spongebobb106: nothings playing im trying to load up my music on xm and it won't do it
QTPI 186: i hear the tribute chanting again
Spongebobb106: yea
Spongebobb106: do u have a myspace
QTPI 186: no
Spongebobb106: i don't either i was thinking about getiing one but now i don't no
QTPI 186: i think it would be a waste for me cause i would never go on
Spongebobb106: exactly ubt i would get on it at tyms but i still don't see the point in it
QTPI 186: wtf i hear like alternative crap and i see like glow sticks lol
Spongebobb106: wat do u mean
QTPI 186: sounds like top alternative music
Spongebobb106: yea
QTPI 186: omg i hate this
QTPI 186: wtf i cant tell my mom that im hearing crap then she wont believe me
Spongebobb106: im sry
QTPI 186: w/e it only comes around like 1 a month i can deal
Spongebobb106: now im especia;;y sry
Spongebobb106: r u serious
QTPI 186: as long it doesnt turn into like dead people then im good
Spongebobb106: thsats fuunnny
QTPI 186: i heard a conversation ebtween to people once
Spongebobb106: my friend see dead people
QTPI 186: and they were like so when you coming over?
Spongebobb106: wow
QTPI 186: and tey were talking about their relationship and stuff
Spongebobb106: =-O:-D
Spongebobb106: lol
QTPI 186: what your friend sees dead people!
Spongebobb106: u don't know her it's not an everday thing tho
QTPI 186: thats scary man
Spongebobb106: ye a
QTPI 186: Lisa.........
Spongebobb106: yea
Spongebobb106: u a hole
QTPI 186: ohhhh im laughing my ass off right now
Spongebobb106: =-O
QTPI 186: LMAO X 10000000000000
Spongebobb106: im am totoot
Spongebobb106: i hate u u suc
Spongebobb106: so then how'd u no about my music
QTPI 186: lmao it says what your listenign to on my AIM screen
Spongebobb106: i thought so
Spongebobb106: u a-hole
QTPI 186: it says spongbobb106 is listening to___________ tune in:)
Spongebobb106: thats funny
QTPI 186: ohhhh i luv you lisa
Spongebobb106: i luv u to
QTPI 186: its fun....if you ever find a friend that has the radio it:)
Spongebobb106: yea ii will as long as they don't no wat im doing