Once again I am full of hate

Oct 12, 2006 14:32

Well i feel that all of the interenet should be up to date on my chemistry escapades.  basically last night i was enraged once again. poor tara.  so it was impossible as usual, and i did not finish it. then i wake up early, to call for dang stoop volleyball, bc im the leader. Dude im a terrible leader, why do i have to do it?   anyway then it was early and i had to put smarties in plastic tubs for a whole hour.  this is how i get honors credit.  open millions and millions of smarties and put them in tubs.  wonderful.  then i try and get chem help at the learning center, and the dumb guy wouldn't bc i was honest and told him they were exam corrections. AHHHHH.  then i sneak up on him and ask him all sneaky like.  and he tells me all are right! what! i got it wrong, the test said so!!! what is wrong with chemistry!!!!!  then i took a greatly deserved nap on a wonderful couch.  it was just like the Gryffindor common room.  i like the union.  then i went to chemistry with this imbicile TA.  He handed back one of our quizes and i see that 1 whole problem is wrong!! out of 2.  i was freaking out.  then i freaked out alot alot more, when i read WHY it was wrong.  "organize your work"  i got it one hundred percent correct, and he took off all the points!!!!!!  bc it was a bit messy!?!!?!?!!? dear lord.  then my buddy borrowed my broken calculater again for the quiz.  poor guy


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