Harry and the Potters was awesome and rockin, and that needs to be said because i think this was in doubt by many peeps. gladly all came. fewwwwwwww. we got there well and stood with many peeps. and can you believe it sold out!!!! outrageous. good thing we planned ahead. Draco and the Malfoys were very funny to eat to and yes, Hufflepuffs are dweebs. they also served as inspiration for a next project maybe you could except at the holidays? Then we truely rocked out hardcore, stick it to the MAN! i especially liked the half-werewolf on the drums, aka Bill W. aka draco. Ohmygodshelookslikeafrog. all songs were gggrrreeeeaaaatttt. twas very hot, even the ceiling was sweating phoenix tears. the ending was inspiring, bubbles. all we need is love to defeat him! yes, we got pic with wet yr. 4, who has a nice voice. then a milion other cg kids were seen, but they did lame stuff in chicago probly. yes.