May 09, 2008 18:14
Even though I wasn't thrilled about still having to work graveyard shifts on a semi-regular basis, particularly when doing an early shift the next day, it's actually a lot more fun now that I'm not alone. Especially since Kos and I share the same taste in almost everything. (Though I flat-out told him his girlfriend's frequent coke-use is alarming. Wtf roller-hockey at 3am.. on a Monday?!)
Last night we had the radio on the 'young people' station, which seemed to repeat that song by the Flobots every 15 minutes. There's only so much of I CAN RIDE A BIKE WITH NO HANDLEBAAARS, NO HANDLEBAAAARS, NO HAAAAANDLEBAAAAAARS~ you can listen to before it starts to drive you crazy. So I changed it to the classic rock station and GnR's Estranged starts playing. Haven't heard that in aaaages. We're both silent a moment in quiet awe. And then:
T: This is an awesome song.
K: I love this song.
T: Me too.
K: It's magical.
(a mix of silent musical appreciation and mock-mimicry of Axl's vocals follows)
And then some TV talk. Looking at my track record (Firefly, Rome, Jericho), am starting to seriously consider jumping on one of the more popular series (Heroes, Lost, House etc.) just so I'll have a show that lasts MORE than two seasons fuck. But at least I'm in a good fandom-y mood again. It feels like a long time since I last was.