I was right there with you - separated only by a few thousand miles and a rather large body of water - lusting after Rafael Nadal - and wondering just why I can't find Roger Federer sexy. Somehow his face just quite doesn't come together - but that doesn't make his a bad person.
Sports, for me, has a rather large lust quotient. I never really played anything as a teenager, but in later life discovered that watching baseball is something I really enjoy. It moves at a speed I can follow - almost a Zen quality, interupted by moments of enlightened excitement - and the uniforms... I keep thinking soccor should be interesting, but I really don't know what I'm looking at - other than some nicely developed legs. (I was quite taken with one of the final kickers - De Grosso - but I don't think he played much.) Whereas golf is just glacial, and hockey & basketball move too fast - plus their clothing leaves a lot to be desired. But still I watch - underneath the lust quotient is a keen appreciation of ability at the professional level.
Best wished from this side of the Atlantic. Hope all is well in your part of the world.
There are some sports that I enjoy for the skills and strategy, others where the main attraction is the eye-candy. The best are those that offer a bit of both. Tennis comes high up the list, along with snooker.
Sports, for me, has a rather large lust quotient. I never really played anything as a teenager, but in later life discovered that watching baseball is something I really enjoy. It moves at a speed I can follow - almost a Zen quality, interupted by moments of enlightened excitement - and the uniforms... I keep thinking soccor should be interesting, but I really don't know what I'm looking at - other than some nicely developed legs. (I was quite taken with one of the final kickers - De Grosso - but I don't think he played much.) Whereas golf is just glacial, and hockey & basketball move too fast - plus their clothing leaves a lot to be desired. But still I watch - underneath the lust quotient is a keen appreciation of ability at the professional level.
Best wished from this side of the Atlantic. Hope all is well in your part of the world.
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