Hey whats up everybody!!! I just found out that I might be able to leave to El Paso in a week, which is one week earlier than what I expected. Wooooooo awesome. Today I saw a little kid fall into the duck pond here at UNM and it was fucking hilarious. Oh man I saw the whole thing, first him and this little girl where chasing the ducks and making them fly away. But there was this one duck that wasnt flying away he was just at the very edge almost touching the water. The kid saw that duck and made loud noises to scare it away, but I think this duck knew what was going on and he didnt budge. So the kid being a kid ran towards the duck, but since it was like a little slope and the grass was a little wet the kid couldnt stop and fell into the water. Hahahahahahaha it was great. Well that was my day and now Im going to the gym (I want to see how much I can build up before going back to El Paso) Lates.
50 first dates
This little guy is so cool.