go boom

Aug 28, 2009 18:59

Well it's been some days of basics going boom. Like, yesterday my computer decided to randomly restart over and over, going back in time with restore points. So after much tech support and hardware tests, I wiped the drive and am now in the process of downloading masses of files from mozy. Yea for having mozy.

And before that was the late-breaking news about needing a therapist letter. Got that one in the bag (though the letter won't come for a week or more; timing).

As the capper (I sure hope), my car just massively overheated. All fine, then drive in the driveway, and verily, the sound of water gushing. Open the hood. The sound of water boiling. The temp gauge never got particulary high. Mysterious. See if I can't get it into a shop tomorrow. Know a great cooling system repair shop in San Jose? Hopefully this will stay in the three digits for repair.

Time to do laundry, make a cold supper, make a very cold vodka tonic. Or perhaps margarita... I did make fresh salsa yesterday...

Another day in the neighborhood.

life, personal, household

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