Play with Queer Pride! We'll provide the vibe, Edges provides the equipment, you bring on the gear and the groove!
What: Queer Edge Mixed Energy Dungeon Party
When: June 13, 8pm to 1am
Who: The Queer Edge Gang; Andy, Kevin, Loren, boyjean, and Lance
Cost: $20 with Edges card / $25 for guest, or those without Edges card
Where: Edges; RSVP for location to; RSVP required for non-Edges members.
This party is for all self-identified queers (fags, dykes, genderqueers, leathermen, fairies....) who like hot dungeon action.
Loren, Andy, Kevin and Lance and boyjean have held a handful of leather titles among them, and have organized and presented at many leather events.
Put the date on your calendar today!
Pass it on!