"Vyvyan*, do we have a Video?" “No! We don't have a video!”
However, there is still time to enter the Costume-Con 26 Video Masquerade Contest! You have until the end of January to get your entry to us.
At last, you can do that masquerade entry which just couldn't be done on stage, so others can finally see it!! Your entry can be BIG! It can be small! It can have a cast of thousands, or just a few!
For the full rules, go to
http://www.cc26.info/main.php?section=events&page=vmasquerade Henry Ossier, CC26 Video Masquerade Director
www.CC28.orgView the latest Intell:
http://community.livejournal.com/costume_con_28/ *For those unfamiliar with *The Young Ones,* substitute Beavis or Butthead for Vivyan.
Costume-Con is a premiere venue for professional and hobbyist costumers to meet, compete, share, and socialize. CC-26 takes place April 25-28, 2008 in San Jose, CA. Stay up to date with Costume-Con 26! Check us out at
www.cc26.info. Write us at
info@cc26.info if you have questions or want to volunteer.