Jan 01, 2007 17:37
Good morrow, my friends. And Welcome to 2007! Here's hoping it's a damn sight better than 2006.
I hope all of your New Year's celebrations were entertaining and safe... no hang-overs, I trust? Certainly not on my part.
I finally did my homework! Aren't you proud of me? :D It took me less than one full rotation of Sing The Sorrow. And then I just went back to my knitting... I know... I'm cool, right? HAHAHAHA!!! *cries* But whatevz. I spent much of the night in great anticipation of MTV Goes Gold last night because AFI was going to be performing at midnight! I think you can imagine how excited I was :D It was good times. I have high exectations for this year because it all stated out so well. If there is a better way to spend New Year's than with AFI, I challenge you to find it and bring it tot me! Because I absolutely refuse to believe there is any better way. And, on top of all the AFI goodness, I caught a surprise performance by My Chemical Romance. Both performance were very nearly GOD! Gerard has black hair again and I'm pretty sure I screamed... Goddamn, he is GORGEOUS!!! They rock my socks and I cannot wait until I get to see them in February! SQUEE!!!
And in ther news, the first snow finally happened the other day, Satrday, I do believe. I was beyond excited! I have been wanting snow forever and it finally happened. And, I realized, I will miss this if I do, in fact, end up going to school in California. I told Mom she'd have to call me whent he first snow happened. I really cannot wait until March... it is going to kill me! But, yah... where was I... AH YES! Snow. I think I'm enjoying it so much right now because my seasonal depression has not yet kicked in. However, it fucking rained last night into this morning and it's melting the snow... I'm less than pleased... but there's really nothing I can do about the sky...
I'll see you all (well, most of you anyway) tomorrow. Good night and good luck.