A Wasteful Habit

Jul 28, 2012 09:14

Pink curtains in the odd rental loft, gold mirror reflection, fan, old western style, Rosie sleeping on the sofa in the dark room, windows, Broadview, Seattle, Washington, USA

When I know I'll be leaving the room for a length of time I'll turn off the lights. And I never like watching TV in the dark or going on my computer when it starts to get dark, so I'll turn a lamp on. My husband prefers it movie-theatre dark when he watches TV, but I just find that it hurts my eyes and feels like I'm straining to see if I do that.

As for paper towels, I don't think I use a lot. I used to never buy them, but I find them very handy now. If I have a dirty plate that I don't feel like cleaning throughly, I'll put a paper towel over it and use it anyway. Obviously I can't do that with all foods, but I find it useful for garlic bread and the like.

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