Life is so very beautiful...

Dec 15, 2004 03:27

My Fashion Illustration final that was due last week, actually... I turned in the final presentation board for this project and didn't get a chance to take a picture=(...but here is the roughness of it...we had to take ideas that were absurd to put together...and well I picked....

And then I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the final booklet for this project either! Oy...lots of pictures to take after I get them back...but I did snag a picture of the sewn up garment...

Studio from 8 pm-5am
Studio from 7 pm-3am
Work from 10 am-2pm
Studio from 2 pm-9am
Studio from 4 pm-10am
Retail Math Final 10am-11am
Studio for Final Critique (Flat Pattern project due@1!!) from 11 am-4pm
FINALLY SLEPT from 5 pm -5 am
Textiles Final @ 5 pm...
After I turned in my test I walked out of there and started silently screaming and jumping up and down and dancing in the hallway because I was so elated to have everything done!! And then Ciel, Teresa, & Veronica (my fashionistas!) came out and all 4 us started hugging each other and jumping up and down and left the building skipping in the snow and yelling, "WE'RE DONE!!! WE'RE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And seriously I can not believe it's all O-VAH! And I can't believe the work I did just in this week let alone the whole semester! I have never worked this hard in my whole entire life!! Flat Pattern is the hardest class ever! I have seen so many girls cry because of this class, lol...this is because the Prof's are assholes who intend on making the class almost impossible so they can weed people out...ahh! Well guess what, bitches! I aint go nowhere! Ha! I did it!! I did it!! I really made it through this insanely ridiculous, work intensive, never sleeping, holy cowness semester! Oh and 2 jobs on top of it all! I have never worked so hard for a vacation!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

speaking of...I have to pack!
I love you all & I hope everyone has a Happy Christmanukwanza!! And a Happy New Year!!!
This amazing girl, Nicole, had incredible mixes to listen to at studio...and this one song was amazing and just pumped the life back in me whenever it played and Kristine & I just had to dance every time we heard it...Jem "They"....yes, my new obsession (but I still love Frou Frou!! And Postal Service! I love music more than you'll ever know! ♥x100,000,000!)...but I looked up Jem, and she happens to be the artist that sings the song from the preview for Closer!! ♥♥!! Save Me, 24, Wish I, Just a Ride, and the famous Come on many wonderful songs that I now adore!! I ♥ beautiful music!! Ok...I seriously need to start a packin'....

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