(no subject)

Jun 27, 2005 21:24

//series one - basics
-- Name: Larin
-- Birth date: March 10, 1985
-- Birthplace: Wheatridge, CO
-- Current Location: Lakewood, CO
-- Eye Color: darker brown?
-- Hair Color: Brown
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac: pisces
-- Introvert or extrovert? Introvert with the world, extrovert with friends

// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: French Canadian and Hispanic (Weird...yeah)
-- The shoes you wore today: Docs for work and Flip flops with Stacey
-- Your hair: Short, parted down the middle, and it gets wavy -_-
-- Your eyes: Ass -_-
-- Your weakness: Being introverted at times when it's not the most opportune time
-- Your fears: losing those I love, being alone forever, failing, and spiders >_>
-- Your perfect pizza: pepperoni, cheese, and garlic dipping sauce!
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: Get married, have the typical 1.5 kids, be called an artist in a serious manner, write a book, and not regretting my life.

// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: ^_^ >_>
-- Your thoughts first waking up: I hate work...
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes and smile
-- Your best physical feature: My legs? They are muscled up pretty good >_>
-- Your bedtime: between 12-2 am
-- Your greatest accomplishment: Still going to college after some very difficult issues with school and life in general
-- Your most missed memory: Being a child

// series four - you prefer
-- Pepsi or coke: pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds....I don't touch Burger King with a 10 foot pole
-- Single or group dates: I've never been on a group date just single dates.
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas...nike can blow me
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate :P
-- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee

// Series five - do you
-- Smoke: Not anymore...though lately it's been damn hard.
-- Cuss: Everyday
-- Take a shower everyday: Not on the days when I'm staying home all day and not going out'
-- Have a crush(es): A crush would only touch the feelings I have for her
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yup
-- Want to go to college: Already am :P 1.5 years left ^_^
-- Like high school: Not really. I didn't understand how everyone else loved it.
-- Want to get married: Very much so
-- Believe in yourself: Occasionally
-- Think you're attractive: Rarely
-- Get along with your parents: Only with my mom....my dad is still figuring me out. He has 18 years to catch up on.
-- Like thunderstorms: Heck yes!

//series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: Yeah
-- Smoke(d): Yeah
-- Done a drug: Nope
-- Have Sex: Yup
-- Made Out: Yup
-- Go on a date: Yes, and it was fantastic! ^_^
-- Go to the mall: Yeah
-- Been on stage: Negative
-- Been dumped: No! ^_^
-- Been in love: Yes, positively
-- Dyed your hair: Never have :P
-- Been tattooed: Yeah ^_^
-- Stolen anything: Kisses count?

// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Not yet >_>
-- If so, was it mixed company: N/A
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yup!
-- Been caught "doing something": Nope...you have to plan that kind of stuff. Time is key!
-- Gotten beaten up : Mentally. Never a physical beating though.
-- Shoplifted: Yeah
-- If so, did you get caught: Sure didn't
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Nope, I've never believed in that shit.

// series eight - the future
-- Age you hope to be married: Mid to late 20's
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2-3 kids. Names haven't been thought about just yet.
-- How do you want to die: Going out in style. Or in my sleep.
-- Where you want to go to college: The Art Institue *cries* Effing money!
-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy or France

// series nine - opposite sex
-- Best eye color: blue
-- Best hair color: Generally not blonde :P
-- Short or long hair: long hair to in between the two is great!
-- Best height: no preference. Though being the same height is good or just a tad bit shorter.
-- Best first date location: Wherever is comfortable and good for conversation ^_^
-- Best first kiss location: Same place

// series ten - number of
-- Number of girlfriends: 3 technically. 2 for real though
-- Number of boyfriends: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 12 or so? All family and close close friends
-- Number of CDs that I own: 75-100 perhaps
-- Number of piercing: 0
-- Number of tattoos: 1, hopefully 2 before summer is out
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Nothing right now. I don't feel regret about anything right now.

//Series eleven -- the last...
-- Movie you rented? I haven't rented a movie in ages.
-- Movie you bought? I, Robot? or perhaps Troy
-- Song you listened to: Social Distortion - Winners and Losers
-- Song that was stuck in your head? If I only had a brain.
-- Song you've downloaded? Kansas - Wayward son :P
-- CD you bought? Black Eyed Peas - Monkey Business
-- Book you have bought: No comment
-- Person you were thinking of? Stacey

//series twelve - misc.
-- You have a b/f or g/f: g/f
-- You have a crush on someone: Again crush wouldn't even explain it fully :P
-- You think about suicide: Not in a while now.
-- You believe in online dating: Once
-- Others find you attractive: A few yeah ^_^
-- You want more piercing: I don't want a piercing
-- You want more tattoos: Heck yes! Left calf is missing something
-- You drink: Maybe once a month?
-- You do drugs: the kind I'm "required" to take.
-- You smoke: Not going into that again
-- You like roller coasters: NO! SCARY!
-- You write in cursive or print: Both at the same time? It's an odd mix.
-- You carry a donor card: Nope...but I'd let someone take my guts, why not.

//series thirteen - for or against....
-- Long distance relationships: Very very difficult, but doable. Takes 2 to work.
-- Using someone: Annoying
-- Suicide: No comment
-- Killing people: Only when it comes to justice
-- Teenage smoking: It happens everyday
-- Doing drugs: Fucking stupid.
-- Premarital sex: If I was against it......that would be odd. Have some damn fun! Not to mention sex is so much more than just some fun too when you're with the right person :P
-- Driving drunk: make them eat their keys *nod* they might be drunk enough to be up for it
-- Gay/lesbian relationships: I'm a lesbo.

//Series fourteen - favorite...
-- Soap operas?: none.
-- Food: Mexican
-- Song: Not enough time to type them all :P
-- Thing to do: Sleeping, do anything with stacey, and just relaxing
-- Thing to talk about: Something interesting or important
- Sport: ice hockey
-- Drink: Milk
-- Clothes: Shorts and a t-shirt
-- Favorite shoes: my black and white docs
-- Movie: Nightmare before Christmas and many others
-- Band: The Offspring
-- Holiday: Christmas and Halloween
-- Cars: Mitsubishi Eclipse ^_^ 95-96

//series Fifteen - what are you right now....
-- Shampoo do you use: Pantene Pro-V stuff
-- Perfume do you use: Lucky You
-- Shoes do you wear: No shoes ^_^

//series sixteen - in the past 24 hours have you
-- had a serious talk: Yeah, I think so
-- hugged someone: Yes ^_^
-- fought with a friend: No
-- cried: Yes
-- laughed: Lots!
-- made someone laugh: Yeah definitely
-- bought something: Yeah, close to broke probably
-- cut your hair: Nope
-- felt stupid: Not really
-- talked to someone you love: Several
-- missed someone: Yeah :-/

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