(no subject)

Mar 18, 2009 13:34

2am is when everything is alive. All the chirping bugs and twittering birds. The cats on prowl and the mice hiding. Such lovely music. Then there's the train. The train that goes by every morning at 2:30. The train that blares its horn in stark protest of the sign that says "Warning, train doesn't sound horn"

Did you know that the combined smell of lavender and pumpkin pie will increase blood flow to the penis by 40%? Oranges at 20% And buttered popcorn by 9%

And in other news, a scientist has brewed beer using a 42 million year old yeast he found in amber. Critics find the beer has an odd spice aftertaste thanks to the yeasts' unique metabolism. I would give so much in order to have a glass of that beer, just for the story of being able to say I drank Jurassic Park Beer.

I love my friends so much. I mean really you guys, who else can I show a picture of a cute boy to and get the response "Hit it hard"?
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