(no subject)

Sep 20, 2005 13:15

the real world is having try-outs in pittsburgh right down the street from me...im a shoe-in.

this weekend ruled hard, and ruled harder. friday i called out of work and slammed 40's(another reason the everywhere is cooler then florida) with some friends before we went and saw cursed. every band that played with them were awful but the first band covered "ace of spades" and me and my friend ed lossed our minds and went blitzgrieg style on the roboto. me and my friend tommy went to go buy skittles at like 10 oclock in a drunken rage and in wilkinsburgh, we met up with chris from cursed and hung out with him on the walk. i was fooled into thinking that cursed was going to cover "milk it" by nirvana and got super stoked only to find out everyone was fucking with me. cursed played and it was incredible. i came up with my masterpiece of a band called "Smells Like the Machine" in which i combine rage songs with nirvana. we went to a "wine fest" afterwards where i proceeded to talk to this girl that ive been crushing on basically since ive moved here. it was pretty cool. saturday caustic christ, suburban death machine and kabuki thunder played a free show at brave new world and that was sweet. kabuki thunder covered an MC5 song and i dug that. then we went to joehammer to drink ourselves retarded. then someone decided to put on the cro-mags and witnessed just how much i love that band. we went to a couple of parties. at one, my friend moe overturned a trash can, and on the way to the other moe's boyfriend ran across car hoods. we got to the last party of the evening and by this point i had 2 shots of vodka, 3 beers, and half a space bag of wine. im sitting on the the couch and i see a fairly attractive girl talking to someone opposite of the living room, and i go "hey black shirt black hair, whatttttt'ssss UPPP????" then her over protective boyfriend threatens me a few times, i get the idea that he is dating her and apologize and told him im just hanging out and having fun and that i didnt mean to cause trouble. well he is still swearing at me and apparently very upset, but i was still cool at this point. him and his girlfriend walk by us so she can calm him down where he threatened me AND my friend aaron who did absolutely nothing at all. well aaron was a little perturbed by this and blew him a kiss. the guy shoved my friend aaron in the face (to me...the ultimate insult and sign of disrespect), so i stood up shoved him on the ground and threw around several vulgarities and told him he has a problem with me, not aaron and that i will INDEED fight him if he so wishes. well then he left because his girlfriend was worried and then i went home later and crashed at joe hammer. i woke up with a 40 resting on my face and a phone book on my chest. i then went to watch the steeler game at the flak house, which was the icing on the cake of an incredible weekend because we annihilated the texans and the patriots lossed to... the panthers. haha. well i have work today and im going to rent some movies now. i hope everyone else had as much fun as i did.
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