The CWRU Observer Insults Voyeuristic Intentions

Oct 05, 2012 17:45

Well, I feel a bit insulted here.

An article in today's CWRU Observer newpspaper starts: "This is not Strosaker! Rather than actors simply acting out the scenes from the iconic cult film on stage, Eldred is pleased to bring you an authentic theater production of the Rocky Horror Show in all its campy glory."

I know what we do in Voyeuristic Intentions is not a full production, but I treated it as such, putting as much effort when I was playing a part and directing as any stage theatre I've done. And if not for VI, I'd probably have not had the courage to act in commedia or start The Confused Greenies. Nothing "simply" about it!

That's the problem with the theatre community; it too often has to put down other ventures. We've been busy supporting the Eldred production. I hope they weren't the ones to say this. Though it's also offensive if The Observer did since Voyeuristic Intentions is part of Film Society which, like the Observer, is part of Media Board.

I wonder if a letter to the editor is in store here...
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