Back from Pennsic!

Aug 12, 2008 21:43

Okay, been back for a few days now - but been sick! Some highlights with more details later!

* Left much later than planned
* Walked on stilts in the Fools Parade
* Auditioned for but didn't get into Whose Line Doth It Be?
* Performed in a new commedia play three times in less than 24 hours (once for a private camp night, once for a fairlly exclusive party, and once for an improv festal)
* Performed in two short Japanese kyōgen (during the same improv festal)
* Had to ignore being sick (for the first time at Pennsic) during said performances
* Hung out with some great people I only see at Pennsic (or rarely otherwise)
* Met some great people and performed with some of them

And... This kinda shocked me but I guess it shouldn't. I was often introduced as "... who started i Verdi Confusi" / "... started a commedia troupe in Ohio" etc. I also bumped into a few people who had seen our first SCA show or heard about us.

It's a start. :)

commedia, sca, pennsic

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