photo in the jungle, bird of paradise and banana leaves.
so either my good old (and old) fujica is messed up, or some contraption at the airports are to blame, but my film was blank. also pretty crappy especially since i only took a few polaroids so we don't have any of the photographs, and i remember every place i took one too. i remember just what each one should look like. and i guess that is what matters, but they would be nice to see again like i thought i waas going to. it's strange, i know material goods do not actually hold value. you can't take stuff with you when you go. but there's this identity we hold and items that we identify with, or places, or ideas. and photographs mean something so specific to us all. they're so special. the specialness is in the relating, and relating back to certain occaisions and these would have been such good ones to see and blah balhbahhhwahwah. whatever. spilt milk. i wish i could throw all of my shit away.