I'm sitting here yawning my goddamn jaw off, teetering on the edge between so tired I'm going to pass out and too fucking tired to pass out, because it was one of those days where I had a full week's worth jammed in one day and it did something bad to my brain. My Monday was actually a Friday in that it's the only day I am spending at work this week, and I have another day before I disappear off the face of the planet for almost two weeks, most likely coming back with a mild case of jet lag and too many photographs.
I really should pack.
Instead I'm watching an old episode of Flashpoint and wondering if I have to hunt down their camera crews and discuss the use of appropriate filters or backlights. There's really no reason for all that yellow-green whenever they film indoors, and the bad dude might look more evil with a sunken, sallow complexion, but only when that sunken, sallow complexion isn't reminiscent of the plague.
I'm also rambling. I ramble a lot. Even when I write. That's probably why I have ridiculous word counts. I'd apologize for that, but I won't. If you want to find out how LM is going to end, you're just going to have to read your way through another couple hundred thousand words, and that's just too bad, but it's only going to prove to me that you lot are even more insane than you appear. I've joked about this before -- that I'm going to hit a million words before this series is done, and I'm afraid that --
Wait. Let me back up a bit.
I complained to
fuckyeah that I have no idea how long Part 11 is going to be (and, for the record, yes, I have said things, and she reposted them to tumblr with my permission, so it's really me that's talking in those conversation snippets you might have seen over on the loaded-march tag) because I sat down to do a rough sketch of Part 11 last week, and it ended up being four pages. Four.
Four pages, single-lined, double-sided.
Now, let's compare. My sketch of part 10 was two pages. Single-lined. Single-sided. We all know how Part 10 ended up.
Out of desperation (and a little bit of despair), I sat down again today over lunch and tried to break it down even more into something workable, so I already see what I could cut out to keep it from dragging and how to make plot arcs come to a close as I approach the end (is there an end? I'm not seeing it, sorry, nope) and I'm surfacing from under the sheets of paper to realize:
"Fuck." And, with feeling: "Fucketyfuck."
I have a pretty good idea of how long Part 11 is going to be. It's making me cry a little. On the one hand, I'm kind of rubbing my hands together in glee, because I can't wait to get started. On the other, I'm realizing, that is a lot of story.
It remains to be seen whether I will post it as:
Option One:
Part 11 with Chapters 1, 2, 3 (possibly 4 and 5) and posting each chapter as I finish them. You know me; my chapters are not short.
Option Two:
Part 11 (Title Part 1)
Part 12 (Title Part 2)
Part 13 (Title Part 3)
Anyone have a preference? Aw, what the hell. I'll throw up a poll, but I'll be honest here: how it ends up getting posted will depend a lot on how the actual writing of it breaks up into.
Poll Part 11 Anyway, yes, in other news -- and I am totally a coward here posting it at the bottom where people won't see it -- yes, as some of you have spotted (you eagle-eyed lot, you), yes, I am writing Teen Wolf fic. I'm mostly picking at it right now, but it's an AU, involves Stiles and Derek as the main pairing, and it has me banging my head on a (soft) surface because it is starting to show signs of growing up into its own series.
GDI. Why can't I write short?
Maybe a better question would be why I always seem to get mugged by series-sized plot bunnies, or why I can't seem to run away from them, or why no one seems to be saving me, because, people, you see these fingers? They're getting worn down to the bone here.
-- and anyway, yes, that's why I'm afraid of why it's probably altogether an achievable word count, and, well.