I didn't forget to post yesterday's metrics -- I was distracted by the Wrecking Ball post. By the time it was posted, it was late and I'd gone and scramble to bed to try to restore some neural activity to make it through the day today.
But, anyway. Yesterday I pulled off a healthy 3,000 words, and today, I replicated the feat with another 3,000 words. I could write more today, but I am going to nitpick at my BB for the rest of the evening.
I am, however, in massive amounts of trouble, because the High School Merlin prompts (
Merlin/Arthur pairings,
Other pairings) have been posted, and there are several delicious prompts that I am tempted to snap up.
At least I couldn't impulsively sign up since the claiming isn't until Monday, so, you lot? Your job is to keep me from signing up so that I can finish LM's Part 10 and the BB fic. The easiest way to do it? Claim every prompt before I do!