Jan 04, 2012 16:09
Whether I like it or not, I have been forced in a no-writing mode this week for several reasons -- the least of which is not the migraine that hit yesterday, which remained impervious to every painkiller known to mankind (though I haven't yet resorted to the last failsafe: cutting my head off), and continues today.
My head is in a bit of a dull, drugged fog, every time I move, the fog slips and it hurts all over again, and there's odds that this will be a completely incoherent post. Sorry about that.
I haven't started writing Part 9 of Loaded March. But before anyone starts poking me with a sharp stick, I have an outline for it, which is far more than could be said of the last few parts, and, amazingly I have a title. Having an outline and a title doesn't mean anything unless I know the scene or the first line that I'm going to write to get started -- and, guess what? I have a first line, and I have the scene that goes with it.
So what's keeping me from getting started?
Well, putting aside the fact that my brain is, at the moment, only a slightly more congealed mass than cherry-flavoured Jell-o, I have a problem.
I also have the first line for the Merlin/Arthur fantasy fic I've been letting sit on the backburner.
I know. Big deal. Just jot it down and leave it for later, yeah? Nope. It's not that easy. First lines, for me, are desperately strong lures, because from that first line I can see the rest of the story unfold, and the urge to write it is impossible to ignore. The fact that I got the first lines for both fics within a bare hour of each other is driving me insane, because now I have two things that want to be written at the same time.
It does not help that the fantasy fic is both AU and meant to be a multi-parter of epic proportions and is every bit the heavyweight that LM is.
My solution? I'm letting the two of them duke it out boxing ring style while I scamper off to write a Merlin/Arthur sports AU, but which is refusing to cooperate because it doesn't want the usual sports tropes, and in the first 2,000 words, has given me a bigger plot, and it's doing my head in.
Never let anyone tell you writing is easy.
plot bunny muggings,