Tabs, tabs, and more tabs.

Mar 17, 2019 17:15

As a standard disclaimer, for this post, assume "tabs" does not mean "an enumerated bill listing all items for which payment is owing", but instead, "the doohickeys filling up the browser's capabilities with a number of items to be read, referenced, or investigated further at a later time."

In other words, my browser has too many tabs.

About 70% of them have to do with ResearchTM material, or are windows for searches that I haven't done yet but mean to do at my earliest opportunity. 10% are for fanfic that I meant to read months ago but still haven't read, but which are still open because I stubbornly convinced myself that I will read them at some point. Another 10% are reference sites for completely unrelated items of interest that I want to pursue more about. And the last 10% is roughly equally split into "I fucked up my knitting, how do I fix it", "I keep killing my seedlings why is it happening", and "I have a craving for tiramisu, what is the easiest and fastest way to make some".

And this, people, is the sum collection of a couple of months of never having closed my browser when I should know better.

Oh well.  I'll take care of that eventually.

Anyway, this is my usual "I have things to do but haven't done them because I'm (a) a lazy sod, (b) too busy to do any of it, (c) in denial, and/or (d) all of the above" post.  I will do better.  I promise.

real world

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