I meant to keep posting on a regular basis. Didn't. I had things I wanted to post. More research posts that were more like research-gone-wrong posts. Funny conversations with the Spouse that were noteworthy. A couple of random snark things that are happening at work.
But, yeah, no. Best laid plans and all that.
Totally waylaid.
At work, I finished a bunch of hurry-up-and-wait projects that were driving me batty because the time periods between next steps were too short for me to start something else in the meantime. Because I was too distracted by that bullshit and also forced to work extra hours a day as a result, I didn't get as much writing done on ACBB as I'd liked. But like I mentioned over on Twitter, I have 20,000 words and finally figured out the plot.
That just might be a sign of how long the dumb story is going to be in the end.
Experimental Restrictive Let's Not Eat All The Things diet is going well. I had a reaction to something, had to go back two steps and figure out what it was, then keep going. The reaction may be somewhat TMI so I'm going to put it under the cut.
Several weeks after I reintroduced soy and associated soy products (but not tofu or edamame) into my diet, I had a reaction I hadn't had since before I started the diet. Sadly, for the longest time I didn't realize I was having a reaction, so for years, whenever I had my period, I had the worst fucking cramps in the universe, and blood loss so extreme that some months my already low blood pressure dropped perilously low to the point that my doctor was Alarmed. Capital A.
Then I went on the diet, eliminating everything, and after two months, my periods were the way they used to be. No cramps, a light dull ache in my leg the day it's supposed to start, one regular-heavy day, and shorter duration. My doctor became less Alarmed, and everything went back to normal.
Until the month I reintroduced soy. Since I had no immediate and visible reaction I thought it was OK and started reintroducing other things. That month, after nearly six months with blessedly normal periods, I had the worst fucking period since before the diet.
Long story short, and I did make the connection early, but I'm a Scientist and wanted to prove the theory. Soy and soy-related legumes (like peanuts, which are on my Nope list) contain a biochemical compound that mimics estrogen and fucks you up. Boy, I didn't realize how badly.
Anyway, this is a heads-up. If you're experiencing similar symptoms, try going soy-free for a couple of months and see what happens. You may be sensitive to soy.