Jun 19, 2006 12:43
Type your FIRST REACTION when you hear these 35 words
(don't spend time thinking - just your gut reaction)
1. Cigarettes: quit
2. Sex: sighhh
3. Relationships: dont have one
4. Your Last Ex: has a fat girlfriend
5. Power Ranger: red one was hot!
6. Marijuana: quit
7. Crack: so niceeeeeeeee
8. Food: PANCAKES!
9. This President: is a dumb motherfuckre that doesnt care about shit
10. War: nicole
11. Cars: needs to be paid
12. Gas Prices: gay
13. Halloween: tbs
14. Bon Jovi: ROMANTIC!
15. Religion: armando
16. MySpace: made me meet some cuties
17. Worst Fear: people finding out...
18. Marriage: distant
19. Fashion: not me
20. Brunettes: better than blondes
21. Redheads: hotbitches
22: Work: need to go today :/
23: Pass the time: sex
24: Football: gay
25: One night Stands: deep dark secrets
26: Pet Peeves: liposucked bitches
27: Pixie Stix: my legs
28: Vanilla Ice Cream: chocolate is better
29: Porta Pottie: smelly
30: High school: fun
31: Pajamas: none
32. Wood: thomasville
33. Surfers: california
34. Pictures: sighhhh
35. First Love: armando