Hi guys, it's been a while since I last posted something here.
Originally I don't plan on posting another entry for the next 2 years since I'm starting this "project" where I'll make a recap of significant changes that happened to me within those two years but clearly 2020 needs an entry of it's own.
This year is challenging in so many levels; physically, mentally, spiritually, name it and for sure it'll be counted. One of the things I am challenged during this pandemic is financially and although I'm almost at the finish line of my academic journey which is a struggle right from the start, I am once again facing another challenge which resulted to me coming in terms of selling some of my merch to raise money to pay for my tuition fee.
If you're interested go checkout this link:
https://www.carousell.ph/sam_and/ More items will be added, I'm still in the process of sorting what stays and what goes. This is so hard for me to let go cause it's my collection and I treasured it so much but I need to make a sacrifice.
For now I can accommodate PH/Philippines only orders. More details will be provided through direct message. I'll try to look for other couriers that can cater international shipment.
Anyway, stay safe all of you! Wear your mask, don't go out when it's not necessary, wash your hand. We can survive this pandemic. Much love, Sam