Jul 06, 2005 19:39
Ths speed of reflexivity and the new infomation economy
giddens or beck one of the two (someone post and make the corrections) say that modern society is reflexive due to the nature of modern communication technologies and other advances allowing society to react to changes around them. I say this is has always been the case, It's just the speed of reflexivity has changed. Previously it has been the fastest news travelled was as fast as the person carrying it (to put in a nice simple way), it's very hard to be aware of the relative speed of something if the two objects are travelling at the same speed. Now news travels at the speed of light, it can beat us there and we can see it beat us. This is in essence what I mean by the speed of reflexivity. If we take the biological metaphor a moment as to represent society then the body is able to move fast due to the speed of the transmission (in this case nueral impulses) of the body (whatever the speed for electricity is). This speed of change is the problem with modern business as it tries to interact with modern communication technologies. It relies on production being solely in the hands of the producer. With content able to be digital nowadays production is now in the hands of everyone (or rather "copying"). It's like a million people with a million guterberg presses all cranking out perfect copies of an original source. This in turn means the ideator (or person responsible for creating something rather than production) is the one who benefits most. If the ideator charges for the first one only those who are say "hip to the groove" of what he is making will adopt it. The ideator realises that as soon as he releases his first creation out into the digital world he ceases to be the sole producer. Which is fine since to find something you must know what you're looking for so it's not like it's immediately copied a million times for everyones consumption. You put it out there, someone buys it if they want it. Simple. So those who want to be first in the know have to pay for the priviledge. It's like the whole "keeping up with the jones" but at lightspeed and a market based around that. It's something which benefits the creators of things. I hope this made some sort of sense.
and I just had an idea for a cool internet thing
copy this file around the world. A file on a computer that has a log file attached to it. As it is moved to each new computer a record of where it has been is added to. Then say after 800 moveds to difference computers around the internet it's sent back home..Then you could plot the movements of the file on a map and see how it goes around the world to all different places.