my back was hurting last night. and this morning my stomach is hurting. ouch. and i'm up too early. blah.
work was long. since i have that jury thing, i have two schedules for next week. one is 9 to 5's and the other is my regular schedule...130 to 9's. i'm soo glad i don't have to call back until wednesday after 5. that means i get to work my 130's monday through wednesday, instead of starting at 9 in case i were to have to call at say 11:30 then go down to the courthouse at 1:00 or something, then return to work when they dismiss you, you have to go back to work even if you only have 45 minutes left. that would be such a hassle. anyway, so i call again wednesday and see what they say. i have next friday, saturday and sunday off, which rules. since i waited so long to let them kept slipping my mind..i was scheduled this sunday.. so they let me keep it. usually when you have the jury duty schedule they give you the weekend before, and the weekend after. i was observed again by my manager yesterday. i fucked up on one call, didn't suggest everything i should have..nerves from seeing the white light got me. grrr. that will bother me for a few months for sure. it made me feel better that she said my calls flow nicely, my voice is calming, good keying etc. she asked if i'd been listened to lately by other operators who have needed refreshment training, i said no, that it makes me nervous if it's a seasoned operator who's been there even longer than i have, rather than a brand new operator in training. ha. then she said she wanted to put this wes to listen and i told her i didn't mind that at all, since wes is soooo nice/friendly. la la. i'm working thanksgiving day 11 to 7, that's gonna blow. i should have asked for a split.
what to do. le la. i'm doing nothing today except finally figuring out payments that i keep saying i'm going to figure out, then end up putting off. i've been lagging on that allll week. i was thinking of going to see
bev at the starline tonight, but most likely i will not. oh, i forgot that i talked to roxanne last night. maybe i'll go over there.
i miss the last weeks of september and a few weeks into october. hmph.
no i don't. no.
well fuck. i just talked to my friend stephanie..her boyfriend is at st agnes in icu. blah. poor thing.