(no subject)

Nov 11, 2002 21:56

I got home from work a little while ago. I was worried all day that I wouldn't find a way to have tomorrow night off. I found a girl that was giving away half of her surplus day away, so I took it without hesitation. I work the longer half at least...4 hours. 145-545. I really didn't want to take much time off this time since I'm trying really hard to get back on track with money, but losing only three hours pay won't kill the next check. Later on a girl came up saying that she'd trade me her Tuesday off for my Saturday, my original plan. Ahh! Just a few hours too late. I'd already made the deal with the other girl. It would have been perfect.. she had a late straight on Saturday which is what I like. Oh well. I had dinner at IHOP with Michele. I never feel that place, never. The service was horrible and slow, and the menus were sticky. Booo. The food wasn't that bad, except the salad...which was all watery. I bitched about it and the woman brought a new one. I didn't even want it anymore.

Having complete silence while driving scares the shit out of me. I can hear every sound the car is making and I always think it's about to break down or get a flat. I trust the thing, cause Toyotas are supposed to rock forever right? It's just that when I hear things that I don't usually hear or if anything at all sounds different, even a leaf stuck on the tire or whatever it freaks me out. I just bought a new wiper blade for it the other day. I didn't need a pair because I bought a single one not too long ago. I just put the brand new one on the driver side, and the not so old one on the passenger side. What I really need is a damn oil change. It's lonngggg overdue. NO, what I really need is my own car. Yeah. And a life. Since wiper blades and scary car noises have become the bulk of my entries. Hmph.

I forgot to call Sando back. She left a really ugly message earlier. I won't call now, the babies are probably sleeping. Elena called earlier too, wanting to make sure I knew about the Matt Sharp shows that are happening this week. Hehe. Too bad she can't make it up here. That'd rule. The old days. Ah.

I've been neglecting to take the 2nd dose of my happy pills for the past few days. Part of it is just forgetting, but partly because I don't think it helps much. Hm. My ortho-cept has kicked in. I'm not thinking those cramps are so cute anymore. Woo. I think that my spirona is starting to work with it though. I have noticed a teeeeny bit of difference already. Love.

Okay, I'm going to tackle finances now. Wish me luck.
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