i never LJ anymore.

May 23, 2008 19:32

it's not that i don't want to. i'm just having a really hard time with life in general and making excuses for my lack of expression.

i made the genius decision to change majors, so now i am right back to practically the beginning of my college education. guess what is even better than that? i have no idea what i should be going to school for. i mentioned to marco the other night i would just like to become a hogwarts professor, but he kindly informed me that may be slightly more difficult than i anticipate.

here are some of the things i am interested in doing:

becoming a buyer for a major store (a la rachel on friends, for those who don't know).
be a magazine journalist for beauty and fashion.
become a childrens' teacher.
become an adolescent-age teacher.
become a social worker.
do something substantial to help animals.
be a librarian.
be a curator in a museum.
be a private bookstore owner.
be a mom.
be an interior designer.
be a lawyer.
be a crime detective.
be a therapist.
be a cosmetologist.

the list goes on ridiculous amounts. i reeeeally don't know what to do anymore. bah. i think maybe being a talk show host would be ideal, like the next oprah or something... in which case i suppose a communications major would be the way to go. i don't know. I NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT! because it's driving me crazy right now, wondering what the hell i should commit to. i stopped going to school for one thing because i knew it wasn't what i wanted to do anymore... the thing i didn't think through was what i'd do next.

and i don't know about any of you, but i'm still not doing well at this whole "growing up" thing. i would much prefer being about six to eight years old right now. just a constant loop of that.

in the spirit of that thought, i was going through old entries and thought i would post this:


oh memories.

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