Ive been trying and trying and I think i finally got the picture thing to work. Therefore... my live journal will now be an even greater source for amusement! These pics are kinda random so I will give you guys captions... Sorry if this doesnt work!!
VJ, Kendall, Me, Dina, Ali- SADIES Awesome night... sorry you guys cant see my outfight but seeing as we were in the dolbec household i wanted to remain appropiate. Plus Kathy had vetoed the outfit for Kendall so i figured... but it was a pink tube dress with a little ruffled skirt and fishnets. THis was also the night of the infamous... well you know!!! <3 ^
Ah yes! The glories of public speaking! How beautiful. Got first in A, but being the slacker i am didnt go to state... tear
Joint Bday dinner with kendall... she was born 9 hours after me... meaning im OLDER!!!!
dina and blair came too, very enjoyable company....
Kendall came to visit me in Europe this summer... we couldnt go clubbing tho (and i thought cathy was getting wild!) but we had an awesome time going to venice cute pepe shirt ken
Me, Kendall, and Carlo... hot italian beach volleyball players! he sang perdono for us (original!) his dad has a private island... pretty effing cool!
Winterball- me with spenc... awww so cute!
spenc, me, miles, cris admire cris's hair i did it... WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO LOOK? ahh the confusion but sooo cute! lol
Not much going on, my parents threw a party today not technically a party but champagne brunch or whatever.... Alex came over and we tanned... keep your naughty imaginations at bay.
Well see you all at school tomorrow : ( and i still havent done homework... I know im terrible slap me
Ta Ta for now