(no subject)

Jun 12, 2024 09:15

Just now laughing at myself what a slave driver I am for being organized in these shoos I do. I have to message 22 people individually, so many multiple times, so they show up when I need them to be there. Instead of doing the dead goth trickle. I'm glad they seem to tolerate it or stay patient with me... because I'm like SEE YOU AT 11AM BITCHES. NOW! PRIME NOW! Bring your fucking swords. But really, that's the only way this is going to be an effective party /shoot... is if everyone shows up at once. This day is going to just fly by. I also have a job on Friday, so I just did my very last message prep round. everyone knows everything! I feel relieved and am in a creative mood. If a peep just make an event, invite ppl... then wonder why no one showed up.. you're doing it WRONG. As it is........ I invited 40 other ppl, still stayed on their ass... and those 41 ppl didn't even give a SHIT to RSVP "not going" which I asked a couple times to RSVP. Guess who I will never be inviting again. If you cant even spend 20 seconds to click not going, (when asked) then you're a dickhead. Bye Felicia :P No one cares about the fringe haha. So ready to shoot hot goth girls with swords, and not swords, on the beach in a Malibu cave. I hope this goes well, I worked so hard on it. 4-5 months of planning. 2-3 hours of shoot time -_- I think something is wrong with me
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